Friday 22 April 2016

#141 Common dreams and their meanings (English)

Common dreams and their meanings

It is common knowledge that everyone will dream when they sleep but what do those dreams really mean? Many scientists have tried to figure this out and they have found that some dreams many people have and are actually much more in relation with our life than we may think! Some people think that dreams are only a result of fragments of memory and images that the brain puts together but are actually nonsense. Others think that they are omens and give people insights on their life. Dream experts have found meanings to common dreams that people may have and which you can choose to believe or not. 

Common dreams and their meanings:
Being naked in public: This dream may have different meanings according to how it plays out. Dream experts believe that such a dream means that people are trying to hide something or that we may not be prepared for something. 
Falling: falling is a very common dream but what does it actually mean? Dream experts believe that falling in a dream signifies insecurities and anxiety. It may also mean that you feel like you are failing in your workplace or at school. In any way it is the fear of doing wrong and that you can’t take control over certain aspects in your life.
Being chased: this dream symbolizes running away from problems that you may be subjected to. An example is failing at school and instead of fixing this problem, you are running away from it.
Taking an exam: taking an exam is a very stressful thing for many and dreams like this are therefore no surprise. This dream is thought to signify that you feel like you are being tested or that you are presented to a challenge that you feel like you are not able to take on. It could also mean that you have been neglecting something that you know you need to do.
Flying: a dream where you fly are sometimes considered lucid dreams. In other cases, though, it may not be this and actually mean something else. Flying usually means that you are in control/on top of things or you may have changed perspectives on something. It may also mean that you feel strong and undefeatable.
Running but not moving forward: have you ever felt like you were running in a dream but as you kept going you felt like you weren’t moving forward? It usually signifies that you have too much on your plate and you are not able to catch up with the things you need to do.
Having your teeth fall out: many think that teeth are what make us feel powerful and it is what enables us to communicate. Losing your teeth may not only make you feel embarrassed and feel a loss of power as you lose the ability to share your thoughts, but it may also mean that it is associated with our feelings or the way we feel about our appearance.

Even though dream experts believe that these recurrent dreams have these meanings, we cannot be certain that these are their actual connotations. Some interpretations may be right for some people but may be wrong for others. Have you ever had any of these dreams? Do you believe in the meaning of these dreams?


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