Sunday 1 May 2016

#150 The Spleen (English)

The Spleen

The spleen is one of the largest organs in the lymphatic system. It is a brown, flat and oval shaped organ that filters and stores blood to protect the body from infections and blood loss.


The spleen is located between the stomach and the diaphragm in the left hypochondriac region of the abdominal body cavity, protected by the ribs. It is delivered oxygenated blood by the splenic artery, which branches off from the aorta and the celiac trunk. The splenic vein carries deoxygenated blood away.


The spongy inner tissue of the spleen contains blood vessels and hollow sinuses to store blood, which it can release into circulation when the body has been injured and additional blood is needed. Platelets are also stored with the blood to help form blood clots if needed and to prevent further blood loss.


Around the vessels and sinuses are regions of red pulp and white pulp. The red pulp regions contain reticular fibers that filter old blood cells from the blood flowing through the spleen. The captured cells are digested and leftover iron and hemoglobin are recycled. The zone between the red and white pulp acts as a filter to capture pathogens in the blood and pass them on to the white pulp. The white pulp, made of lymphatic tissue containing macrophages, T lymphocytes, and B lymphocytes destroys pathogens in the blood and produce antibodies. During certain infections the spleen may enlarge due to the increase in stored white blood cells, captured pathogens and antibodies.


The spleen is not a vital organ, meaning that its functions are useful, but not essential for life. In its absence, red bone marrow, the liver and the lymph nodes can do the same filtration and blood recycling functions of the spleen. Because it is not one of the vital organs it is soft, spongy and vascular. This means that any damaged caused to the spleen is usually treated by it’s entire removal. Untreated damage to the spleen could result in internal hemorrhaging and eventual death.


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