Sunday, 26 March 2017

#159 Reflux Esophagitis (English)

Reflux Esophagitis

How often do you sleep after the meal? We happen to lie down after a meal feeling extremely drowsy. This is due to the abruptly increasing blood concentration in the digestive tracts. As the blood concentrates in the stomach especially, the other parts of the body experience oxygen deficiency owing to the lack of erythrocytes to supply blood. Hence, there is no more oxygen to proceed aerobic respiration to pump ATP (source of energy), making us lack energy. Despite such sleep temptation, you should definitely not sleep or even lie down after eating. In fact, sleeping right after a meal can kill you. Sounds extreme? Nope, it is the reality. Sleeping right after consuming food is the main cause of reflux esophagitis.

Reflux esophagitis is when the cardiac sphincter fails to close highly and opens instead allowing the reflux of the liquid in the stomach. The other causes of this treacherous disease include irregular eating habits, binge eating, and excessive stress. Now, let's see why this disease can be detrimental. In fact, this disease can cause several other diseases like halitosis, dental erosion, inflammation of middle ear, and sleep disorders that can lead to depression. As you may know, the fluid in the stomach is very acidic. Unfortunately, no where other than the stomach in our body can resist the low pH. Hence, even more fatal diseases like coronary heart disease can ensue reflux esophagitis.

Since it is such a calamitous disease, we shall know how to prevent it. Primarily, always eat adequate amount of food, and don't eat too much. Also, avoid vomiting that could bring out all your acidic liquids and cause damage to your esophagus. If you vomit often, the sphincter muscle fibers may not be able to contract anymore as they permanently become relaxed. In addition, don't pressure your stomach by binge eating and wearing tight clothing. Finally, eat your breakfast to prevent overconsumption later during lunch. In fact, overconsumption would result in the proliferation of the adipose tissues around your waist and constantly stimulate the stomach to cause back flows.

Reflux esophagitis is a well-known disease, but people tend to forget how it could attack them at any time. We ought to try our best to maintain our health!


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