Monday 9 November 2015

#58 Why do cats purr? (English)

Why do cats purr?

For many, a cat’s purr seems to be a sign of contentment and a rather positive message. Cats are known to purr when they are being pet but do we really know what a purr signifies? Does a purr really mean that cats are happy or could they be purring for another reason?

Scientists have seen that purring can show happiness but it may also indicate other things such as nervousness or pain. Some scientists even think that purring may actually be a way of self-healing for cats. According to, the frequency of between 25 to 150 Hertz is the frequency at which bones and muscles best repair themselves. This frequency range is also the frequency range of domestic cats. Cats may also use their purrs to signify their hunger so it is not only created to show pain or contentment but also hunger. It has also been shown that mothers of litters teaches their newborn kittens to purr when they are only a few days old and this may therefore show us that purring may also be a form of communication between cats.

Some scientists however believe that purring may only be the equivalent of a smile. They say this as we too sometimes smile when we are happy, when we are anxious and as a form of communication.
Therefore the reasons why cats purr is still not clear. Scientists have different reasons to why they purr for different circumstances therefore purring may just be a common occurrence for cats and a form of communication.



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