Saturday 9 January 2016

#77 Anorexia Nervosa (English)

What is Anorexia?
Anorexia nervosa, known as anorexia, is defined as a potentially life-threatening eating disorder that is characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight-loss.
People who have anorexia usually stop eating and start exercising more as they see themselves as someone who is fat when they are actually very thin. This disease, when untreated, can be very fatal and in some instances it can lead to death.
What causes anorexia?
To this day, it is still unsure what exactly may cause anorexia and researchers are still working on finding out. According to the website, some researchers though think it may be caused due to a genetic component making someone more or less at risk of becoming anorexic. Others think that it may be a dysfunction coming from the brain’s hypothalamus or that it may come from imbalances in the brain’s neurotransmitters. Anorexia may also be contracted through an environment one lives in. In many societies today, beauty standards are to be thin and as people are constantly shown this, people aspire to look like this and subconsciously want to look like this to ‘fit in’. After a few years of this, many are trying to change this and suppress Photoshop to create a healthier society. People may also be able to become anorexic if teased about their looks during their life making them feel insecure about their appearance. According to, anorexia can also have physical causes such as hormone changes which can lead to anorexia.

What are the symptoms to look out for? 

There are many symptoms for anorexia but the main symptoms are:

  • Over-exercising
  • Continuous dieting when underweight  
  • Unusual interest in calorie intake
  • Fast weight loss
  • Fear of gaining weight
  • Feeling like they are too fat when thin

How can we treat anorexia?

In many cases patients who have this disease won’t recognize having it and will say that they have nothing. To treat it therefore there are several ways. To have an effective treatment it is best to usually have a combination of the following ways. One method is to do psychotherapy where the patient will have one on one therapy which will focus on modifying the person’s behavior and way of thinking. Another method is to have prescribed medication as some help with the anxiety a person may have or other problems the person may be dealing with. Other ways may include nutrition counseling, family therapy and in some cases, hospitalization.

What to do if I think I, a friend or a close one has this disorder?

It is always very important to seek help from others if you suspect you may have this eating disorder. If you suspect one of your friends or someone close to you has this disorder go talk to them about this. If external help from professionals is needed go get such help.



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