Saturday 23 January 2016

#81 Why do we crave foods and what does it mean? (English)

Everybody has experienced intense cravings for foods at some point in their lives, but for many of us it is a daily occurrence. It is commonly though to be just a mental attitude toward eating, however, studies by Alan R. Hirsch, head of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago show that it is just as much a physical process as it is a mental attitude. Here are some examples of what he found:

1.      Craving salty food
This may be a sign of a mineral deficiency. Women who eat a diet low in calcium tend to crave salty foods more often than those who eat enough calcium. This is because sodium increases the calcium levels in the blood temporarily. This acts as a sort of ‘quick fix’ for the body. Salty cravings can also be a sign of a lack of potassium, calcium and iron.

2.      Craving chocolate
It is true that the taste of chocolate alone keeps you coming back for more, but it also stimulates the release of serotonin. This acts as an anti depressant that your body seeks out in order to give yourself a mental boost or a quick lift in energy.

3.      Craving spicy food
Eating spicy food actually helps to cool your body down, so often when the body is craving spicy food, it is saying that it needs to cool off as the fiery taste causes perspiration. Some research also suggests that it is possible to become addicted to spicy food, or perhaps just the rush it gives you (spiked blood pressure, accelerated heart rate and rapid breathing)
4.      Craving sweet food
Craving sweet food could indicate that you are looking for a boost in mood or that the body is just low on energy. The refined sugars in sweets are absorbed and processed much faster by the body than those that are low GI or any other types of food, giving the body its desired effect of an immediate energy boost.

5.      Craving both sweet and salty food
This indicates that your body is tired, fatigued or overall sluggish. The body and its cells need glucose and sodium to function properly. For this reason, most people tend to reach for very sweet or salty foods when working late, or as a late night snack.

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