Wednesday 23 December 2015

#72 Tooth decay (English)

Tooth decay is decaying of the outer layer of the tooth due to bacteria. Tooth decay is caused by a higher intake of sugary snacks and drinks. Also if we do not brush our teeth these foods are left in the teeth. The bacterium that lives on our plaque reacts with the food and drinks in our teeth to form acids. This acid starts by attacking and eating away at the enamel of our teeth. The hole that is formed in the enamel is known as a cavity. Almost every single person in the world has experienced a hole in their tooth at least once in their life. On average it takes seven years for cavities to be formed so the majority of them go unnoticed. This is mainly due because tooth decay is a slow process that does not happen over night.

A less serious case of tooth decay is where there is not a deep enough hole so the dentist will fill in the hole to stop it from spreading any further.  A more serious case of tooth decay is where the tooth needs to be replaced to reduce further infection of the tooth. 

There are many ways to reduce the possibility of getting cavities/tooth decay. Firstly you can reduce the amount of sugary food and sugary drinks that you consume. Secondly you can brush your teeth thoroughly and floss in between your teeth minimum twice a day (in the morning and in the evening).  The last possibility that you could do to reduce getting tooth decay is by going to go get regular check ups with your dentist. If your teeth are aching go check up with your dentist.

There are not that many actual symptoms of tooth decay (that is why it is very difficult to find out unless going to a dentist). The main symptom you will find out (that you get when you have the infected tooth or dental cavity) is toothache. Toothache is a normal symptom for any damaged teeth. 

In conclusion our teeth are very necessary whether it’s for eating food or posing for that awkward family photo just look after your teeth.



  1. Tooth Decay

  2. Hey!! Thanks for the post. My younger brother also facing the problems due to teeth plaque and looking for Child Dentist in Gurgaon, India. Your article really good and help me to understand more about teeth and oral health.
