Saturday 10 October 2015

#33 How much sugar do different fizzy drinks contain? (English)

How much sugar do different fizzy drinks contain?

The main focus of this internal investigation will be on the comparison between the sugar content in different fizzy drinks.A fizzy drink is a nonаlcoholic, flаvored, cаrbonated bеverаge, usually commerciаlly prеpаred and sоld in bоttles or cans drink[1].Before 1980th different fizzy drinks companies used sucrose or table sugar in order to produce the drinks but after 1980th they changed these sugars to high-fructose corn syrup.[2]However some of the companies still use sugar because the drinks with sugar are consumed better.

The sugar content of the drink depends on what type of the fizzy drink the person is drinking.There are different types of the fizzy drinks like ; full fat fizzy drink, diet fizzy drink and zero fizzy drinks.All of them are different because there are different amounts of sugar content in them.There are six types of sugars, and these are : glucose,fructose,maltose,lactose,galactose and sucrose.These types of sugars are added to the fizzy drinks in order to make them more sweet and tasty.Even though the drinks that contain these sugars have a a good taste,they can be damaging to health.Most of the drinks that contain these sugars in them don't have any vitamins and have a lot of calories, therefore they are called empty calorie drinks.The typical full-fat fizzy drink contains a lot of sugar content and a lot of empty calories in it.One can of full-calorie soda contains 33 grams of sugar and 136 calories with no vitamins and only trace amounts of some minerals. Many brands contain even more.People that drink these full-fat fizzy drinks on the daily basics take in hundreds of empty calories per day,therefore putting themselves at risk of gain weight which can later on cause variety of health problems like diabetes and heart disease. Fizzy drinks can be damaging not only for the heart but also for the teeth. These drinks contain citric acid which enables the enamel of the teeth,therefore causing enabling the erosion to occur.Thus, by drinking the fizzy drinks with a big sugar content may lead to the teeth decay.The American Dental Association stated that people that people that are drinking fizzy drinks three or more types per day have a 17% to 62% higher risk of having tooth decay than the people that dont drink them at all.[3]In the other had there are also fizzy drinks that contain zero fat. These drinks contain non-nutritive or calorie-free sweeteners which are bigly-concentrated to be sweeter than sugar. These sweeteners are: saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, neotame and acesulfame-K. The people who have diabetes and cannot consume the drinks that contain more than 5 grams of sugar,can safely drink these zero calorie fizzy drinks and this is approved by theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Therefore,it can be said that there are different sugar contents in different fizzy drinks.

[1]"Fizzy Drink." The Free Dictionary. Farlex, n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015
[2]Types of Sugars in Sodas." Healthy Eating. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.
[3]"Sweeteners - Sugars: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia." U.S National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.

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